Whenit comes to automotive safety, nothing is more important than a fullyfunctional set of brakes. While features such as airbags and seatbelts are critical in the event of an accident, it is healthy brakesthat could prevent that accident from ever occurring. That’s why itis so important to visit a local auto shop right away if youexperience any signs of brake trouble, such as the following.Remember, it is up to you to keep your car safe to drive.
Themost common sign of brake trouble is a grinding or squealing noisethat occurs when you try to slow your vehicle. This is a clearindication that the brake pads have worn thin and need to bereplaced.
SoftBrake Pedal
Ifyour car’s brake pedal feels soft or spongy when pressed, it islikely that the brake pads have worn thin and need to be replaced.However, this could be a sign of something more dire, such as air inthe brake lines or a dangerous brake fluid leak.
VibratingBrake Pedal
Abrake pedal that vibrates when pressed may indicate that the brakerotors have warped. This is an issue that can occur under normaldriving conditions, but is more likely if your commute involves lotsof hills.
PullingWhen Braking
Whenyou hit the brakes, your car should remain easy to control. If itpulls or jerks to one side of the road or the other, your vehicle maybe suffering from uneven brake pad wear. There are more seriousproblems that can cause this too, including a malfunctioning wheelcylinder or contaminants in the brake fluid.
Theanti-lock braking system (ABS) light is essentially the check enginelight for your car’s brakes. If this dashboard warning light comeson, it means that your car’s sensors have detected an issue withthe brake system. A trip to the local auto shop is necessary forproper diagnostics and repairs.
Neverdelay having brake repairs completed if you suspect trouble. Forexpert brake repair in Novato, CA, visit the team at Novato AutoService. Our group is skilled at performing all types of auto repairsfor most foreign and domestic vehicles. Give us a call at 415-598-1488 to learn more about our nearby auto shop or to scheduleexpert auto repair in Novato orthe surrounding area.
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